Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Cadbury Schweppes Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Cadbury Schweppes Management - Case Study Example In nowadays, cocoa beans were being imported from south and Central America and West Indies. Truth be told the cocoa beans had so much worth and were costly. It must be managed with the well off and world class individuals of the general public at that point. Trying different things with his pestle and mortar, John Cadbury delivered a scope of cocoa and chocolate drinks with the last having sugar (Cadbury, 2008). In 1861, John Cadbury the originator gave over the business to his oldest children Richard and George. It is to their administration that the achievement of the Cadbury Brothers restricted is owed. In 1899 the business turned into a private constrained organization and was marked Cadbury siblings Limited. The development of the business prompted creation of the chocolate bars which were currently spiced up with milk The primary milk chocolate that was ever constructed was course, dry and neither sweet nor smooth enough for the open taste. Simultaneously, there was incredible rivalry from other mainland produces of chocolate which prompted the need of the Cadbury Company to dispatch different tastes and assortment of chocolates one of them being dairy house cleaner which later became dairy milk lastly developed to be marked Cadbury dairy milk, which has a novel flavor and smooth. Cadbury Brothers constrained later converged with Schweppes Inc in 1969 to frame Cadbury Schweppes plc which is a candy store and Beverage Company that forms non mixed refreshment. It has a worker base of roughly 59000. Cadbury Schweppes Plc as of now has its base camp in Berkeley Square, London which is in England in United Kingdom. Cadbury Schweppes plc is mainly engaged with the production, dissemination and offer of marked drinks and dessert shop, notwithstanding other related nourishments. It supplies its items through discount and retail outlets of the sweet shop which are authorized and enlisted by the state where they are found. Cadbury Schweppes plc exchanges practically all the nations that are accessible overall since contemporary information, it is one of the main chocolate makers around the world. Cadbury Schweppes plc markets a scope of chocolates, gum and sugar candy store brands around the world. These brands are as bars, squares, sacked items, parcels, rolls, boxed c ombinations, chocolate eggs and oddities (Cadbury, 2008). There are different fantasies which have been engendered about administration which should assist associations with expanding their profit. Legends in the business field typically come up as supervisors attempt to discover approaches to make due in the business world which is normally brimming with difficulties and vulnerability. They give an expectation as they give something that directors can clutch as they maintain their organizations. These fantasies normally impact the manner in which organizations settle on choices and the manner in which the board run firms as much as the systems have not been end up being valid. These legends assist chiefs with thinking of a lot of approaches or techniques that they utilize so as to enable their associations to accomplish certain destinations. A portion of these legends as per Foss (2006) incorporate the way that it is more diligently to get a serious edge if an organization utilizes outside assets or assets it has bought as opposed to utili zing inside delivered assets. The underlying driver of this misconception sprung up from Cool and Barney contention that lone assets that can't be sold by the organization are viewed as important. Cadburys has not
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Antigone as an Epitome of Female Heroism in Ancient Greeks Essay
It is accepted among antiquated Greeks that ladies are appropriate to stay at home and not out of the bounds of their homes and men ought to dedicate themselves to the outside interests. Something else, something contrary to this show will be viewed as shameful. This shows it is a typical in old Athens and in numerous piece of the old Greece that female residents are rejected from support in open undertakings. In any case, there is likewise an ordinary special case to this, that is, ladies have a full cooperation in the strict practices in constantly, for example, partaking in strict ceremonies. Actually, the female has a similar status as that of men in the strict field. For example, the job of priestess was the main open office open to ladies in light of the fact that there is a conviction that ladies have close private associations with divine ladies. Nonetheless, in spite of this, ladies are still suspended totally from political and open discussion (Blundell et al. , 1998). As indicated by Friedrich Jacobs in his article entitled The History of the Female Sex, womenââ¬â¢s position in Greece were viewed as disparaged with qualities that are related and like that of the brutes. It is additionally deciphered and accepted that housewives are minimal regarded and adored aside from that of the hetaeras. This gathering of females appreciates a high status in the general public due to their chance to instruction (Katz,1995). Nonetheless, generally, standard ladies that are confined and uneducated were respected in disdain. They are considered as not free and not equivalent to their male partners. Jacobs contends this is a direct result of the limitations to home and local life was a custom among the Greeks. This is authenticated in Thucydides, which says that we have constrained proof on womenââ¬â¢s instruction principally in light of the fact that they are quieted. It is accepted that youthful girlsââ¬â¢ training was generally endowed to their moms. This training would likewise be limited to directions in the household expressions and womanly insight. Besides, this supposed instruction will at that point be proceeded by the spouse. In this sense, Jacobs demands that the old Greeks womanââ¬â¢s insight and good reasonableness is generally evolved to be the object of the husbandââ¬â¢s disdain. For example, in the sonnets of Homer, it is uncovered that he expected it that ladies were viewed as meager and separated (Katz, 1995). Additionally, in like manner there have been a few positions Greek ladies have according to men. Greater part of the researchers imagine that ladies is seen by men as a types of servitude. The ladies were viewed as lower request of creatures. When contrasted with men, they are disregarded both in scholarly and passionate limit. The lady as of now emphasized is additionally unequipped for seeking after an open undertaking. They are additionally considered as inclined to doing and affecting malice doings and considerations motivation behind why they ought to be kept in the house. The area of the spouse is the administration of the whole family unit, and the sustaining of kids. The main jobs that they have are to proliferate the species by multiplication and satisfying the wants and sexy cravings of men. At the end of the day, the main estimation of ladies during that time was equivalent to that of a dedicated slave (Katz, 1995). In like manner, in writing and old style Greek theater, the view comprises of a structure with doors and ways out. The setting of the play is significant in making a differentiation with regards to whether the characters were inside or outside the structures. The stage was a worldview of the family in the old Greeks. Ladies should remain inside the structure. Be that as it may, the entire political and city life occurred outside. Accordingly, in the stage alone, the status of ladies in old Greeks is practically uncovered. Shocking writers sensationalized that there are two significant standards in show during the old style age. To begin with, ladies ought to stay inside the house and ought not talk out in the open. For example, Aeschylus had approved the King of Thebes to order that the undertakings outside the residential circle were the space of people ought to be kept inside their homes (Tetlow, 2005). In actuality, in the play Antigone by Aeschylus, there is where Antigone herself was allowed by her mom to watch the fight between her siblings. At the point when she was seen by her old instructor, she was scolded in light of the fact that this is viewed as ill-advised. The educator fights that Antigone ought not be seen by any male resident since it would surely result to an embarrassment. In any event, when there are no men during that time, the educator despite everything beseeched Antigone to escape the rooftop. Most particularly when he saw gatherings of ladies moving toward the castle, Antigone should as of now descend in light of the fact that by the ladies seeing her there, it would make tattles which are one might say denied or smothered among ladies. This is on the grounds that tattle yields delight among them and joy is simultaneously disallowed for them (Tetlow, 2005). Another model would be that of the narratives by Euripides where Agamemnon regretted that a man should keep ones spouse inside the house since that is the place she is helpful and would not fall into difficulty. On the off chance that a man can't do this, he ought not wed by any stretch of the imagination. Likewise, his girl Elektra was exceptionally reprimanded in light of the fact that she goes outside regularly to converse with men (Tetlow, 2005). These models outline that in writing ladies are depicted by antiquated dramatists as in it maintains the custom of withdrawal among them. In Homerââ¬â¢s The Iliad, Andromache portrayed herself as an ideal spouse for Hector since she keeps her notoriety and respect flawless by dodging any conduct that would cause individuals to censure her. Actually, she doesn't leave the house nor let anybody visit her in their home (Tetlow, 2005). Antigone as Defiance to the Position of Women in Ancient Greece Antigone is a have composed by Aeschylus as an influence of the Thebes catastrophe. As per German thinker Hegel, it is ââ¬Å"one of the most grand, and in each regard generally consummate, work or workmanship human exertion ever producedâ⬠. The hero of the play is Antigone himself, little girl of Oedipus Rex. At the point when Thebes was managed by Creon, the two children of Oedipus specifically Eteocles and Polynices battled with one another during a common war. They were driving the two inverse sides as a result of each longing to manage Thebes. Notwithstanding, them two kicked the bucket in the war. Creon at that point concluded that Eteocles ought to be covered in a respectable way. On one hand, Polynices ought not be covered and his body ought to be left in the combat zone until it spoils. It ought to be taken care of to foragers. This is on the grounds that he was viewed as a renegade to Thebes. Each dead individual during that time who won't be given an OK entombment is viewed as disfavor. Besides, it is considered even by the divine beings as the most serious discipline existed (Sophocles, 2003). Antigone and Ismene are the sisters of the two warriors. At the point when Antigone discovered that his different brotherââ¬â¢s cadaver are left in the combat zone, she chose to cover it herself. She doesn't need her sibling to endure the disrespect of not being to be acknowledged by Hades. She begged her other sister Ismene to assist her with covering their sibling however Ismene was hesitant to esuffer the results. So Antigone covered Polynices without anyone else. At the point when Creon thought about this, she directed that the guilty party ought to be brought to him and be rebuffed. At the point when Antigone was caught, she didn't deny the allegations. Rather she let it out. She was in any event, ready to acknowledge the discipline of death. In any case, her sister entreated Creon that in the event that he is going to slaughter her sister, she should pass on with her, as well. Antigone in her part argued to Creon that Ismene ought to be saved in light of the fact that she didn't help her in the entombment of their sibling. Creon couldn't choose so he excused them for the interim (Sophocles, 2003). Creon at that point chose to rebuff Antigone and extra Ismene. His decision is to cover her in a cavern alive. Be that as it may, this didn't occur without Antigone shielding her privileges and her activities. For this situation, her unwaveringness to her sibling and to her family was one of the most surprising and respectable method of reasoning that she had the option to deliver. The Chorus communicated their distress for her execution yet at the same time this didn't occur (Sophocles, 2003). A prophet for the sake of Tiresias forecasted that Antigone is upheld by the divine beings. The execution would realize terrible destiny to Creon and his family. Specifically, he would lose one kid. The Greeks and the divine beings will severely dislike him to the point that no contributions would ever mend their outrage and disdain. The Chorus argued Creon to respect the prediction of Tiresias. He was in the end persuaded and chosen to save Antigone of her demise (Sophocles, 2003). After this choice, a progression of delegate came to illuminate him that his child Haemon executed himself. Furthermore, Antigone likewise ended it all. Besides, another delivery person went along to advise him that Eurydice, his better half likewise slaughtered himself. She is accusing and reviling him for the passing of their child. Creon at that point began to reprimand himself for what has occurred. He has become extremely tragic that he just had his hirelings to help him on things. He is as yet the King yet he has lost everything that he esteems throughout his life. The exercise that the Chorus underlined toward the finish of the play is that the divine beings should rebuff anybody that has fouled up against them and to their kindred person. Be that as it may, in spite of this, discipline will carry only shrewdness to reinforce the character of the individuals who are rebuffed (Sophocles, 2003). The most prominent piece of the play would be the character of Antigone. She defies the law of the state by performing burial service rituals for her dead sibling. When King Creon pronounced that he won't be given a not too bad entombment since he has been a backstabber to the realm, she despite everything sought after the internment. Besides, she was e
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Ask Yourself These 4 Questions Before Volunteering Abroad - College Essay Advisors Admissions Essay Experts
Ask Yourself These 4 Questions Before Volunteering Abroad - College Essay Advisors Admissions Essay Experts Ask Yourself These 4 Questions Before Volunteering Abroad Ask Yourself These 4 Questions Before Volunteering Abroad Many high school students engage in community service abroad, whether it be on mission trips with churches, schools, clubs, or family. Not all students, however, sit down to seriously ponder what the experience means to them and what they hope to both give to and get out of it. Volunteering in a foreign country can be a wonderful opportunity to help others while developing your own sense of self, but, as has been addressed by everyone from Frank Bruni to Harvard University, service is also something college applicants have come to see as application capital as much as, or even more than, an opportunity to contribute to and change the world for the better. When the motivation to volunteer comes from the wrong place, it can actually do more harm than good; which is why itâs important to ask yourself the following four questions to make sure youâre engaging in service for the right reasons: 1. Would you volunteer abroad if no one knew? If youâre taking advantage of every selfie moment to capture and display the beautiful scenery crumbling and members of the local community who have taken a liking to you, you are probably not spending enough energy building a real rapport with the community and putting in the elbow grease and mental energy it takes to truly make a difference. Your choice to volunteer in a developing country should be one that comes from honest intentions and your desire to make a positive impact on the world. You shouldnât be doing it to craft your image on social media. Put the camera down and open your heart to some good old-fashioned in-person connection. 2. Is the agency a legitimate and transparent organization? Theyâre helping people in need, how could they be bad?! We understand this mindset, but the world of nonprofit organizations can be surprisingly tricky to navigate. Some nonprofits use their funds more efficiently and effectively than others. Investigate how the organization budgets its funds. What percentage of funds raised do they keep for themselves? Confirm that there are initiatives and specific plans and activities in place before you arrive at your destination. You canât make the most of a service trip if there is no structure to your program. If an organization is professional and responsible, they will also take proper precautions by screening you if you are to work with children and engage in other measures to ensure your safety and the safety of those youâre travelling to serve. 3. Are you qualified to be doing what you signed up for? We know youâre young and sprightly (unlike your essay Advisor who just finished eating a Family Size bag of Doritos), but do you have the physical ability to build the houses youâve signed up for? Do you not do well in the heat, or are you recovering from a physical injury that will prevent you from lifting heavy objects? If youâve signed up to teach math to young children, do you have mastery over the subjects you will need to teach? These questions may sound silly, but there are so many volunteer programs out there: make sure youâre volunteering for one that allows you to contribute in a meaningful way. Think about your assets and personal strengths when you search for these opportunities to ensure youâre maximizing your impact. If you only consider the locations you want to visit and the organization you want to put on your resume, you will be doing yourself and a community in need of a particular skill a disservice. It is also important to consider whether or not you ha ve the ability to impart lasting impact to a community. If you are qualified to teach others how to build or teach, you can help communities build more self-sufficient ecosystems and make them less reliant on outside help in the future, which should be the ultimate goal. 4. Would you do this job in your own community? This is closely related to the point above, but is this cause one youâre truly invested in? So much so that you would spend your time helping, even if there was no far off location or adventure attached to the task? Also, can you do this job in your own town as in, can you help your immediate community without spending time and money and fuel to travel halfway around the world, and would your contributions would be appreciated just as much at home? It is important to crunch the numbers and weight these factors as you decide where to invest yourself. It may make for a less exotic social media post, but if your local community could use your passion and expertise, it may make more sense on a global and economic level for you to invest your expertise and energy close to home. Volunteering is, at its core, a fantastic way to use your time, skills, and innate compassion to help others. Itâs up to you, however, to make sure that youâre doing it the right way and for the right reasons. Do your research, put some true thought into why you feel strongly about contributing abroad, and make sure you will be making a lasting positive impact on peopleâs lives. If youâre participating for the âlikes,â youâre probably better off staying home. About Kat StubingView all posts by Kat Stubing » Ready to start your college essay? Give College Essay Academy a Try. WATCH CHAPTER 1 FOR FREE »
Friday, May 22, 2020
Plastic Surgery Essay - 1741 Words
The first career that interested me was plastic surgery. Plastic surgery deals with the repair, reconstruction, or replacement of physical defects of form or function involving the skin, musculoskeletal system, cranio and maxillofacial structures, hand, extremities, breast and trunk, and external genitaliaâ⬠Plastic surgery is divided into two different categories cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. Cosmetic plastic surgery is focused on enhancing peopleââ¬â¢s appearance. Improving aesthetic appeal, symmetry, and proportion are the key goals. Cosmetic surgery can be performed on all areas of the head, neck, and body. Because the treated areas function properly, cosmetic surgery is elective. Cosmetic surgery is practiced by doctors fromâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦If you attend a traditional allopathic medical school, you will earn a Medical Doctor (M.D.) degree. Alternatively, if you attend an osteopathic medical school, which places more emphasis on the musculoske letal system and preventative medicine, you will earn a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree. All physicians must earn a license in order to practice medicine in the United States. If you are an M.D., you need to pass the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). If you are a D.O., you must pass the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Exam (COMLEX). The USMLE and COMLEX consist of three parts and test candidates on how well they apply basic science concepts to the practice of medicine. After you become a licensed physician, you have two options for plastic surgery training. You can complete three years in a general surgery residency followed by a 3-year plastic surgery residency, or you can complete a 6-year integrated residency that includes both types of training. During your general surgery training, you complete clinical rotations in different types of surgery, such as abdominal, breast, pediatric, trauma, cardiothoracic and neurological surgery. Your plastic surgery training will include further rotations in areas like cosmetic, hand, reconstructive, laser, maxillofacial, otolaryngology and oculoplasticShow MoreRelated Plastic Surgery Essay1086 Words à |à 5 Pages Have you ever considered having plastic surgery? After reading this paper you might want the surgery or you might not. Plastic surgery, a form of art, can reconstruct your body and renew your confidence but can you accept the risks involved? à à à à à Plastic surgery ranges from one- thousand dollars to three- thousand dollars or more depending on the surgery (Body fat reduction: Suction-Assisted Lipectomy). There are plenty types of plastic surgery. One type is called liposuction. The best candidatesRead MorePlastic Surgery Essay1296 Words à |à 6 PagesWhen you hear the phrase ââ¬Å"Plastic Surgeryâ⬠what comes to mind? Maybe dangerous, and risky, or do you think about the scalpel and all the cutting and all the blood? I myself think about how itââ¬â¢s only for rich celebrities who have a couple extra hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend. We have a bad habit of overlooking all the good things that plastic surgery can achieve. From life altering surgeries and saving lives, by highly qualified surgeons, to giving people more confidence and getting ridRead MoreEssay on Overview of Plastic Surgery1611 Words à |à 7 Pages Plastic surgery is a corrective specialty that is used for personal or medical purposes. Many people think about plastic surgery is just used for making your nose smaller or breasts bigger, when actually it is used for much more. For example, plastic surgery can also help someone who has gotten burned, by placing skin from another part of the body to the burn. Plastic surgery is primarily used for fixing themselves because they feel self-conscious or feel uncomfortableRead MorePlastic Surgery Essay1017 Words à |à 5 PagesPlastic Surgery Most of us dont like some aspect of our appearance, whether its sagging eyes or excess weight in particular areas, to name a few complaints. Lately a record numbers of Americans are doing something about it by having plastic surgery. Since 1995, the number of cosmetic procedures, which range from liposuction to facelifts, has almost tripled (English 23). Is that a healthy choice-or a dangerous trend? Aging has become the field of the future for plastic surgeons whose patientsRead MoreThe Dangers of Plastic Surgery Essay1505 Words à |à 7 PagesPlastic surgery is becoming a widespread pandemic in the United States. More and more people everyday are electing to take this surgery which, for many people, is an unnecessary change to their body. People in this country and around the world need to realize the dangers and consequences of choosing this surgery. In the United States, there should be increased restrictions on plastic surgery because it would help people better understand the risks and stop some from taking the unnecessary surgeryRead More Media and Plastic Surgery Essay883 Words à |à 4 PagesMedia and Plastic Surgery Images produced by the media will make people do almost anything to fit American standards of the perfect body. Plastic surgery offers a quick fix to help achieve this goal but no matter how much surgery nothing is perfect. Images produced by media, quick fixes and the outcome of the fixes are problems that women of all ages deal with. From the time of birth, images of physical perfection bombard young minds. When children are young their minds are fragile and moldRead MorePlastic Surgery Essay1788 Words à |à 8 Pagesare paying thousands of dollars to have plastic surgery done to enhance this unreal beauty. Sadly, reality is that beauty is now seen as having the bigger breast, the perfect smile, zero body fat, and the perfectly chiseled nose. More and more people are turning to plastic surgery as a way to make them happy about their appearances and boost their self-esteem in a quick and easy process. But reality is, plastic surgery has major side effects. Plastic surgery causes more physical and emotional damageRead More Plastic Surgery Essay2497 Words à |à 10 Pagesones worst enemy. Who will save us from the evil signs of ageing? A plastic surgeon! Because of the rising economy, cosmetic surgery is now more affordable, which creates great demand for such services. In return, creates a great wave of several different health care providers to become plastic surgeons. Because many are demanding services concerning the enhancement of appearances, cosmetic surgery is widely performed by plastic surgeons. Over the years, cosmetic procedures became more safe andRead MorePlastic Surgery Essay1925 Words à |à 8 PagesHow Plastic Surgery Helped Reshape the World As we see throughout the years, plastic surgery also known as cosmetic surgery has become more and more popular every year. Plastic surgery has increased to nine percent from 2000 to 2001. There are many various types of procedures that could make the body the way the person prefers it to be. The most popular surgeries that are performed include facial reconstruction, liposuction, breast implant, arm, thigh, and many more. The word plastic in plasticRead MoreEssay on The Risks of Plastic Surgery1011 Words à |à 5 Pagesfeel good about physical appearance, plastic surgery comes with many life-threatening risks, that often times are not even necessary. Even though plastic surgery comes in handy in certain cases, people manage to take it to a whole other level, even as far as an obsession. That is where something good turns into a psychological problem. If the outcome can do more damage than good, it probably is not a wise decision. Medical Reasons The only reason why plastic surgery is necessary for medical reasons
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Trotskys Role in the Soviet Union - 1012 Words
General Statement. Trotskyââ¬â¢s role in the Soviet Union was of fundamental importance in Russia during the period 1918 to 1928 as he can be attributed with the Bolshevik acquisition and consolidation of power. However, to achieve a more balanced interpretation it is imperative all contributing factors to his role are acknowledged. Trotskyââ¬â¢s role has not been greatly exaggerated as his strategic leadership skills enabled him to play a fundamental role in the organisation and implementation of the November 1917 Bolshevik seizure of power and the Civil War in 1918-21; however, the importance of Leninââ¬â¢s role must also be taken into account to achieve a more balanced portrayal as many of Trotskyââ¬â¢s successes were based on Leninââ¬â¢s initiatives. Additionally, while Trotskyââ¬â¢s crucial ideological role was of significant importance to the Bolshevik party as he proposed policies that rigidly adhered to their socialist ideals, his interpersonal skills led to his inability to implement these ideological objectives. Trotskyââ¬â¢s overall role in the Soviet Union is indisputable as his strategic leadership skills enabled him to play a fundamental role in the organisation and implementation of the November 1917 Bolshevik seizure of power and the Civil War of 1918-21. However, the importance of Leninââ¬â¢s role must also be taken into account to achieve a more balanced portrayal, as many of Trotskyââ¬â¢s successes were based on Leninââ¬â¢s initiatives. Although Lenin held authority over the Bolshevikââ¬â¢s, itShow MoreRelatedBiography of Lon Trotsky Essay1070 Words à |à 5 Pagescontribution to Soviet Russia was immense through his practice of Marxist and Trotskyist theory for Russia and the world. His rise to prominence in the Soviet Union was characterized by his work and partnership with Lenin. Trotskyââ¬â¢s most significant accomplishments included his leadership of the Red Army and success in the February Revolution, which consolidated Bolshevik power. Trotskyââ¬â¢s â⠬Ëtalentââ¬â¢ and abilityââ¬â¢ was undoubted, however, it was insufficient to attain leadership of the Soviet Union. FollowingRead MoreLeon Trotsky s Influence On The Soviet Revolution1496 Words à |à 6 PagesTrotsky was a man to be reckoned with. Trotsky was a Marxist revolutionary who played a leading role in the 1905 Revolution, in the eventual Communist Revolution of October 1917, and in the Russian Civil War. Without Trotskyââ¬â¢s impact in the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks would have been defeated. His own beliefs on Marxism combined with his intellect made Trotsky a target and influential leader in the Soviets. From his studies on Marxism, he created Trotskyism, a Marxist ideology based on the theoryRead MoreThe History of the Russian Revolution Essay1235 Words à |à 5 Pageswidely sourced and so heavily relied upon than that of the account of Leon Trotsky, his book ââ¬Å"History of the Russian Revolutionâ⬠a somewhat firsthand account of the events leading up to the formation of the Soviet Union. There is no doubt that Trotskyââ¬â¢s book, among others, has played a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of the events of The Revolution; but have his personal predilections altered how he portrayed such paramount individuals as Vladimir Lenin and Josef ââ¬ËSosoââ¬â¢ Stalin. Does the accountRead MoreThe Life of Leon Trotsky Essay1462 Words à |à 6 Pagesremoval of the Tsar during the Russian Revolution, Trotsky returned to Russia in May 1917. In August 1917, Trotsky joined the Central Committee of the Bolshevik party whose leader was none other than Vladimir Lenin. Trotsky assumed key roles in the events and policies concerning the Bolshevik Government, which included the Bolshevik Revolution, Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the Civil War and views on Russias economic policies. The Bolshevik party focused on their one aim: overthrowRead MoreLeon Trotsky2722 Words à |à 11 Pagesthere he attended a socialist discussion circle. As Trotskyââ¬â¢s father was a wealthy farmer, he argued that Narodnik peasant socialism was better than Marxist, proletariat socialism. Narodnikââ¬â¢s believed Russia could bypass western capitalism with a socialism based on peasant revolution. Trotsky held this view up until his first exile to Siberia when he developed his theory of permanent revolution. Trotsky helped organize the South Russian Workers Union in Nikolayev in early 1897. Using the name LvovRead MoreLeon Trotsky aka Lev Davidovich840 Words à |à 3 Pagesmore ideas in his head about the revolution and so it didnââ¬â¢t take long for to start planning something so he saw that something wasnââ¬â¢t right with the workersââ¬â¢ union, and then saw that no one was doing anything about it. So in 1897, Trotsky decided to help found the South Russian Workersà ¢â¬â¢ Union and for his activities with this particular union he was arrested in January 1898, thatââ¬â¢s when he joined the Social Democratic party. Leon Trotsky had to serve two years in prison but after those two years heRead More The Importance of Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin to the Communist Dictatorship in Russia1300 Words à |à 6 PagesCommunism. NEP simply allowed economic recovery and by 1928 industrial and food production levels were about the same as in 1914, and some people grew. However even to realize to all of the stated achievements Lenin made, he needed Trotskys help. Trotsky was Lenins right-hand-man and it can be said that Trotsky was a fighter, the man who took actions. Without Trotsky, Lenin would have been dead, because Trotsky organized Red Guards to provide security to Lenin. TrotskyRead MoreThe Bolshevik Tactics that Allowed the October Revolution1796 Words à |à 7 PagesAssess the view that it was mainly the tactics of the Bolshevik leadership that made possible the October Revolution. INTRO: It was undoubtedly the Bolshevik leadership that made possible the revolution. It was the excellent combination of Trotskyââ¬â¢s rhetoric, rallying and inspiring personality, Leninââ¬â¢s astute ability to judge the political mien and the whole partyââ¬â¢s force and power within the country that led to superb tactics that would eventually make possible the October Revolution. Most modernRead MoreStalin s The Dominant Leader Of The Soviet Union3200 Words à |à 13 Pagesleader of the Soviet Union? It is undeniable that Stalin had a profound impact on the Soviet Union following Leninââ¬â¢s death. His rise to power within the Soviet Union has provided historians with a hotbed of political intrigue for many years. He was an opportunist, coming to dominance by manipulating party politics and influential figures in the politburo to eliminate his opposition by recognising and exploiting their weaknesses thus becoming the dominant leader of the Soviet Union. He was severelyRead MoreLeon Trotsky1373 Words à |à 6 PagesEvaluate the impact that Leon Trotsky had on national and international history. Lev Davidovich Bronstein was a major political figure in the turn of the twentieth century for the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialists Republics) aka Russia. Bronsteinââ¬â¢s impact was greater with national history than international history. He was born on November 7, 1879, Ukraine (Yanovka) and later changed his name to Leon Trotsky, the name of his prison guard at Odessa prison whilst in exile in Siberia. Trotsky was
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
SPARTACUS Project Free Essays
Please be advised that you have been selected to join the SPARTACUS Project beginning June 1, 2011. This project requires complete confidentiality due to the sensitivity of its workers. The current company has selected to outsource our company to manage their labor functions. We will write a custom essay sample on SPARTACUS Project or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are 300 skilled labor workers currently employed. We would like to keep all 300 on board, have them join our company, and continue doing their current job roles. Our team will be evaluating the current process and work instructions on the floor to understand the job functions, to ensure the LEAN process and identify any opportunities for improvement. During this evaluation we will be communicating with the workers. Since they are not aware of the change in management, it is our goal to make them feel at ease with our presence, answer any questions as honestly as possible, try to eliminate any uncertainty that they may have, and establish somewhat of a relationship with them. We will have 30 days of evaluation prior to taking over the complete process. On the 25th day the company will announce the outsourcing of management of their labor and advise the workers the option to join our company with the same pay, benefits and seniority. If they do not choose to remain they will be offered a severance package based on the length of time with the company. Again our goal is to retain as many of the skilled workers as possible. This company has a very low attrition rate and workers are loyal with 5, 10, and 15 years of service. On this project you will experience different attitudes, emotions, and personalities, you are to establish a relationship with the worker and motivate them not only to stay on board but to energize them with change. This is a difficult task; however keep in mind our reading in Chapter 6 of the Organizational Behavior textbook regarding Abraham Maslowââ¬â¢s hierarchy of needs. These needs are: 1. Physiological: Includes hunger, thirst, shelter, sex, and other bodily needs 2. Safety: Includes security and protection from physical and emotional harm 3. Social: Includes affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship 4. Esteem: Includes internal esteem factors such as self-respect, autonomy, and achievement; and xternal esteem factors such as status, recognition, and attention 5. Self-actualization: The drive to become what one is capable of becoming; includes growth, achieving oneââ¬â¢s potential, and self-fulfillment As a team we need to recognize that these skilled workers have these needs and as the new company we need to cater to them. When you are out on the floor inquire what the worker would like to see change. Many workers are waiting on an opportunity to be heard and have never received a chance to voice it until now. Also praise the loyalty, dedication, and morale that you see on the floor, let them tell you about their time here with the company and their families, what they have accomplished and achieved both personally and career wise. Take notes of what they said, acknowledge them by name, and ask them how they are doing when you see them. We have 25 days to fulfilling these needs. In those 30 days we know that we will not retain everyone. Workers may leave as it is an opportunity to change careers, a chance for early retirement, leave the job force, or for many other reasons. You have been chosen to be part of this team as your personality, motivation, and leadership play a large part in this project; to retain as many skilled workers as possible. Your personality characteristics contain or scored high positively in the Big Five factors mentioned in Chapter 4 of the Organizational Behavior textbook. The Big Five factors are: 1. Extraversion: This dimension captures oneââ¬â¢s comfort level with relationships. Extraverts tend to be gregarious, assertive, and sociable. Introverts tend to be reserved, timid, and quiet. 2. Agreeableness: This dimension refers to an individualââ¬â¢s propensity to defer to others. Highly agreeable people are cooperative, warm, and trusting. People who score low on agreeableness are cold, disagreeable, and antagonistic. 3. Conscientiousness: This dimension is a measure of reliability. A highly conscientious person is responsible, organized, dependable, and persistent. Those who score low on this dimension are easily distracted, disorganized, and unreliable. 4. Emotional stability (often labeled by its converse, neuroticism): This dimension taps a personââ¬â¢s ability to withstand stress. People with positive emotional stability tend to be calm, self-confident, and secure. Those with high negative scores tend to be nervous, anxious, depressed, and insecure. 5. Openness to experience: The final dimension addresses oneââ¬â¢s range of interests and fascination with novelty. Extremely open people are creative, curious, and artistically sensitive. Those at the other end of the openness category are conventional and find comfort in the familiar. Think of yourself as Spartacus leading himself and others from gladiator slavery with mere kitchen tools. History books state that Spartacus was able to influence 200 slaves to fight, only 80 of them got away in the first fight. You are utilizing the skills that you have learned to influence and motivate the skilled workers of this company to stay on board and let us manage them. You will face both acceptance and resistance. Resistance will come from workers who do not adapt to change well, and those that feel insecurity. Focus on them, take that challenge that you can influence them to accept, grow, and prosper with the change. Please feel free to discuss any questions, concerns, or ideas that you may with me at any time. My door is always open and your insight is always valuable. Remember you are an important asset in making this project a success. Reference Robbins, S. P. Judge, T. A. (2007). Organizational behavior (12th ed.). Retrieved from https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/eReader.aspx How to cite SPARTACUS Project, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Women In The Work Place Essays - Sexism, Labour Economics
Women In The Work Place The past decades there has been a dramatic increase of women participating in the labor force from countries all over the World including Canada. In 1950, one Canadian worker in five was a woman. By 1980 this percentage had doubled, and women are expected to make up more than 44 percent of the labor force by the end of this century. The increase in female participation started occurring during the 1970's. This increase also caused the largest baby boom that the Canadian female labor force had ever witnessed. In North America it is common for women to have part-time or summer jobs, and the participation rate of teenage girls is high. It is also mostly high throughout the world in places as United Kingdom because of the fewer women going to school. But in places like France, Italy, and Japan the female participation rate is very low. In most of the countries the labour force is most participated in the age groups between 20 and 24. The labor force of mature women is very high in Sweden, because of the encouraged day care facilities, which also provides the females with legislation that provides them with excellent benefits. In Japan there is a drop in female economic activity, the reason why is it affects their marriage and the care of their only child. An observation of labor force participation rates in Canada show that female rates rose a lot between 1971 and 1981, while the male rate rose unnoticeably. The increase in the female participation rate was found in all age groups except in older women. For women aged 15 to 19 the rate was as almost as high as the men. But the largest increase was in the age group of 25-44 years old, where the rate rose almost 50 percent. This meant that the participation rates of the females had become more alike with the men. Family status also influenced the female participation rate but later on during 1981 it had a more less affect than in 1971. According to statistics just over one quarter of married women with young children were working, but this later changed and grew by 76 percent over a 10-year period of time. The rate also showed an increase of 47 percent for widowed, divorced, and separated women with children. However single women with young children showed a slight decrease. However the female participation rate is not so much related to family status as today as it was many years ago. During the period of 1971 through 1981 the involvement of married women went through a major change. Fewer women saw marriage as a reason to interrupt their participation in the job force, and couple tended to postpone having children or not having any at all. While women with young children tended to participate less in the labor market and quit their jobs more frequently than men. Females did the exact opposite of what men did when they had children while working, and in some cases were actually more stable than men without children. This showed that the couple's attitude towards having children influenced a decrease in the female labor force participation rate. In 1981 most women spent an average of 1,247 hours a year working, compared with 1,431 hours in 1971 which had dropped about 15 percent. Even men saw their average hours decrease by 13 percent. Not only more women were working, more were working part-time for only part of the year which meant more women on the unemployment rolls. In the 1960's the unemployment rate for females was 3 percent and ten years later increased to 7 percent. Since June 1982 the unemployment rate for men was 11-13 percent and the women's just above that rate which could also exceed that of the men near the end of the century. Only about 11 percent of women had part-time jobs because they couldn't find full-time employment or because they wished to spend more time to their education or their families, or for other reasons. Although 24 percent of the women working part-time would have preferred a full-time job if it had been available. According to the Statistics Canada study, in 1970 women were extremely poorly
Friday, March 20, 2020
Prentice Hall Literature Poetry Collection 7 and Dust of Snow Poem Essay Example
Prentice Hall Literature Poetry Collection 7 and Dust of Snow Poem Essay Example Prentice Hall Literature Poetry Collection 7 and Dust of Snow Poem Paper Prentice Hall Literature Poetry Collection 7 and Dust of Snow Poem Paper Essay Topic: Poetry Dust of Snow- Poem Type Lyric No Thank You- Poem Type Lyric Parade- Poem Type Lyric Wind and Water and Stone- Poem Type Lyric Lyric poem a highly musical verse that expresses the observations and feelings of a single speaker Dust of Snow- Basic Idea to describe winter snow falling on a persons head and changing their day for the better No Thank You- Basic Idea a person being offered a kitten, but wont take it because every of the many kittens she has taken in have grown in to cats that cause her problems, but eventually gives in and takes the kitten Parade- Basic Idea Describing a circus parade in town and everything going on around it Wind and Water and Stone- Basic Idea Comparing, contrasting, and telling how wind, water, and stone effect one another. Sound Elements Repetition, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, and Rhyme (ROAR) Repitition The use, more than once of any element of language Example of Repetition ONE day ONE night Onomatopoeia the use of words that imitate sounds Example of Onomatopoeia Boing! Alliteration repetition of initial consonant sounds Example of Alliteration Super Salad Rhyme the repetition of sound at the ends of words found at the ends of lines Example of Rhyme She talked, He walked Figurative Language Simile, Metaphor, Personification and Hyperbole (SMurPH) Simile a figure of speech that uses like or as to make a direct comparison between to unlike ideas Example of Simile Its like a lamb to the slaughter Metaphor a figure of speech in which something is described as if it were something else Example of Metaphor Its a lamb to the slaughter Personification a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics Example of Personification The bear danced around his cave Hyperbole exaggeration for the purpose of a literary effect Example of Hyperbole Im so hungry I could eat a horse!
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
The Ambiguity of Afraid
The Ambiguity of Afraid The Ambiguity of Afraid The Ambiguity of Afraid By Maeve Maddox Jacqueline writes: I have a question about a â⬠¦particular phrase, which can be read in two different waysâ⬠¦:I am afraid I am unable to meet your requirements. According to Jacqueline, the statement was interpreted by its recipient to mean the that the writer was taking the polite way to say they wanted to get out of their obligations, when in fact the writer wished to express the fear of something that this person did not want to have happen (meaning they were afraid that this was so, but did not want it to be the case) and also to convey a implicit request for help (please help me to overcome this fear.) à Jacqueline concludes that Had the statement been communicated orallyâ⬠¦the meaning would have been communicated with inflection of the voice and other non verbal means. It is true that oral communication is aided by facial expression and inflection that does not exist in written expression. And it is true that the word afraid can be used with more than one meaning. The sentence in the question, for example can be construed to mean I am unable to meet your requirements (therefore, I wont be working with you). or Im uncertain as to whether or not I will be able to meet your requirements (so, tell me more). Either way, orally or in writing, if the person with whom the sentence originated was looking for a job, the thought should have been expressed more directly. Afraid is an adjective that comes from a verb, afray, meaning to frighten. Afraid derives from the past participle form. Until the late 16th century, Im afraid meant Im frightened. In the late 16th century, Im afraid came to mean I regret to say or I suspect, without any connotation of fear. Its ironic that, in a situation such as Jacqueline describes, if the speaker or writer actually has a sense of fear or misgiving, it is probably better to choose an expression other than Im afraid. I fear, or Im worried that might express the thought more clearly. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Useful Stock Phrases for Your Business EmailsThe Possessive ApostropheHow to Write a Proposal
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Employee Privacy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Employee Privacy - Research Paper Example It is also reasonable from an employerââ¬â¢s perspective to keep track of their employees if there is lack in quality of work. This research paper focuses on the current issues related to off-duty conduct and its effects on the privacy of employees. Employers have the technological means to find out, what workers do in their own time. However, the right to monitor employeesââ¬â¢ personal conduct is limited based on the employeesââ¬â¢ rights under law and specific rules. Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), an employer is not supposed to conduct any kind of surveillance on employees during any gatherings off-duty1. If employees discuss about their workspace and their job related issues in union activities, it should not be made public by employers. Instead employers should keep away from social activities of employees if it is out of their interest. According to law, if an employer sends a supervisor to overhear on group discussions or private meetings then he is violating the rules set up by the NLRA. Similarly, the guidelines set by NLRA also states that Drug Testing should only be performed if any suspicious activity is recorded during working hours. NLRA states that drug testing has the potential to reveal an employeeââ¬â¢s use of drug outside the office so it has been subjected to private litigation. The employers may face challenges on this stand because there are many employees who do-not perform their work properly. There may be several reasons behind it, including consumption of drugs before working hours. The employees may not react or let employers know that they are biased by drugs and employers many have to accept the low quality performance of employees. The Drug Testing in most of the organizations is conducted before joining of an employee or during any suspicious cases. For Example, if an applicant failed to pass the drug test in
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Creating my own religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Creating my own religion - Essay Example All these faiths teach people how to believe in themselves and understand the true meaning of oneââ¬â¢s existence on this planet. However, a person can always wonder, what is it like to create oneââ¬â¢s own religion? This question comes in because of the idea that all the religions that people do follow today, have been set down and created by people who wanted to help others comprehend the meaning of living and the art of existence. This paper helps to provide an insight regarding how an individual might take to creating a religion of their own, as well as the kind of personal theological beliefs that I possess with respect to a religion of my own. Religion is the base of a cultural system that a human being follows and this very faith helps to provide him with a sense of assurance and security and helps to provide a meaning to his or her life. Religions help a man to soul search and understand the purpose of his own existence. They may consist of symbols of worship, doctrines and scriptures that consist of wisdom and regulations, as well as morality and ethics with respect to the law of nature and survival. If one thinks about it, many years ago, there was someone who thought about the kind of philosophy that a man must follow his life by and helped to gather followers with the help of a story that consisted of faith in the supernatural; human beings gain assurance by knowing that there is a higher power that exists somewhere in the universe so that whenever something goes wrong, they will be able to have someone to answer to, or have someone who is accountable to them for doing something or carrying out a specific action. Religion thus forms the base of a manââ¬â¢s faith and thinking and helps him to understand the meaning of life and all its subsidiaries. On a basic grass root level, it is easy for a person to ââ¬Ëformââ¬â¢ a religion. All one has to do is to understand the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Elizabethan Masques: Mystery, Intrigue, and Suspense
Elizabethan Masques: Mystery, Intrigue, and Suspense Jocelyn M. Wigno Masques, or masquerades as they are more commonly known, have always been a popular choice of entertainment because of the atmosphere of mystery they create. Masquerades began in the fifteenth century and are still a favoured theme for parties today, but an abundance of great masques were performed throughout the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.* The defining characteristic of any respectable masquerade ball is the costumes, particularly the elaborate and fantastical masks found there. People attending masques always wear a mask that covers, or partially covers, the face. There are many varieties of masks. Some of the main styles of masks include the head mask, the stick-mounted mask, the full-face mask, and the half-face mask.* Stick-mounted masks are, as the name suggests, masks attached to long, thin sticks in order to be more easily equipped and removed. However, these masks are tiresome to continue holding for long periods of time, and so are usually only used at very short masques or as souvenirs. Head masks cover the entire face and head. They are usually of elaborate construction, huge, and covered in intricate designs and decorations. This makes it difficult to eat and drink while wearing one, so these masks were only for the most dedicated of partygoers. Full-face masquerade masks cover the entire face and are attached in the back by a string, unlike everyday riding masks, which were held to the face by a bead kept in the mouth.* This is so that the mask can easily be moved to the top of the head for effortless eating and drinking. These masks as well as half-face masks were the most popular choice because of their easy accessibility. Half-face masks only cover half of the face, usually leaving the mouth unhindered for easy access. Masquerade masks are vividly decorated in many ways and are often accompanied by a variety of extraordinary costumes.* The idea of the masquerade ball comes from mummers, mimes who led processions of torches during Christmas and wore costumes called Guisers that the tradition of wearing masks stems from.* Mummers got their start in ancient Egypt, but the first masquerade balls occurred in Italy, particularly in the city of Florence.* When masquerade balls first began to be performed, they were more like carnivals than a formal dance. The air was filled with the sound of drinking, gambling, and dancing, and everybody, including commoners, could buy a ticket in order to attend.* The upper classes could get away with expressing their political views without repercussions, and escape the ridicule that would come for even thinking of interacting with those of lower class. Many criminals would attend masquerade balls so as to use the anonymity to hide their crimes, so it was not unheard of that there would be many robberies and fights at masquerades. The tradition stuck around anyway, and as time passed, masquerade balls gained more structure. They would typically be held from late evening to early morning, with music and dancing until supper was served. Supper was usually cold food and wine. There were theatrical performances after supper* Queen Elizabeth I herself was present at many a masquerade thrown in her honor. She was rumored to be quite fond of them, despite the fact that the central theme of most masques at that time was along the lines of the protective nature of men as well as womens innate fragility and demure nature. One of the distinguishing characteristics of a masque is the theme. Besides themes of male authority, stories of spiritual guidance were often prevalent throughout the Elizabethan era, though the stories did not have so much to do with the church as they did the Greek and Roman cultures and their ideals.* Another distinguishing characteristic of masquerade balls is the fact that woman of the upper classes were allowed to perform in them. Upper class women were allowed, but if a lower class woman attempted to become a performer at a masque, it would have very lewd connotations. Queen Elizabeths own mother, Anne Boleyn, made her first appearance to the Tudor court at a Masquerade ball on March 1, 1522. Works cited Alchin, Linda. Elizabethan Masques. Np. Nd. http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/elizabethan-masques.htm. accessed March 6, 2017 Cassidy, Julie. Mask. Np. Nd. https://finds.org.uk/database/artefacts/record/id/402520. accessed March 7, 2017 Coper, Steve. The History of the Mummers and Philadelphia Mummery Np. Nd. http://fralinger.org/about/mummers-history/. accessed March 6, 2017 Elizabethan Masques. Np. Nd. http://www.elizabethanenglandlife.com/elizabethan-masques.html. accessed March 6, 2017 Monson, Toren. The History of Masquerade Masks. Np. Nd. https://venetianmaskscollections.wordpress.com/2013/05/21/the-history-of-masquerade-masks/.accessed March 10, 2017 Walton, Geri. Masquerade balls. Np. Nd. https://www.geriwalton.com/masquerade-balls. accessed March 6, 2017
Friday, January 17, 2020
Islamic fund structure Essay
Introduction The concept of Islamic fund and banking system is developing over a period of couple of decades now. It could be mentioned that Islamic banking is a different approach to conventional banking and financial institutions. This is because the fundamentals of the Islamic fund, banking and financial specifications that based on the religious norms and regulations. It could also be mentioned that behind the formulation of Islamic banking and financial institutions the major reasons were instrumented by demography, historical and political influences. The major financial instrument of the Islamic funds and banking along with financial institutions could be enumerated as Sukuks. The term Sukuk is an Arabic word that is identical to the aspects of a financial instrument and is an equivalent instrument such as a bond under Islamic perspective of banking. But contrary to the usual financial instrument Sukuk is different as there are no fixed incomes as under the laws of Islam interests are seen as a crime. Therefore as an alternative it has been instrumented to use such non tangible or tangible assets that are could be classified according to the basic non tradability or tradability. But once again, under the principals of Islam these formulations could only be used in the secondary market. According to the estimation of the ââ¬ËIslamic Banking and Financial Institutions: The Progress and Probabilityââ¬â¢ published in 2005, there are around $521 billion worth of financial assets that are circulating in the fiscal market as per year ending March 2005. The entire amount of this investment regulated by principals of Islamic investment plans it could be enumerated that the entire procedure is regulated by the moral and spiritual obligations of the ââ¬ËShariââ¬â¢ahââ¬â¢. Therefore it is seen that the Islamic financials instruments traded on GCC financials markets are huge and there are a number of countries who regularly uses this form of banking. The countries can be enumerated as USA, UK, Yemen, UAE, Turkey, Tunisia, Switzerland, Sudan, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Senegal, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Qatar, Palestine, Pakistan and around 150 countries all over the world. Malaysia is one of the key player of this form of banking. Dallah Al Baraka (Malaysia) Holding Sdn Bhd, Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank), Kuala Lumpur, Islamic banking & Takaful Dept, Bank Negara Malaysia, United Malayan Banking Corp. Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority (LOFSA) and Lembaga Urusan Dan Tabung Haji (Fund), Kuala Lumpur are the few most important financial institutions of the country. The financial institutions that that deal with the instruments can be enumerated as International Islamic Financial Markets, Mudaraba Companies, Takaful Companies (These are basically insurance companies), Islamic Mortgage Companies, Islamic Windows, Islamic Investment Funds and Banks and Islamic Banks. Under these institutions there are different plans such as Mudaraba which are basically Capital trust financing where the basic implementation is the contact which accumulates the capital along with the cost. However there are also other schemes that are marked up. Then there are also other plans under which leasing comes into consideration. This called Ijara. There is also another technique that is defined Ijara wa Iktin wa which is basically the contract of hire purchase. The basic limitations of these plans are based on the contracts between the parties but the over all scenarios are based on the principals of Islam where a financial instrument like Musharaka is treated as long termed investment under the parameters of equity arrangement. The capital supplied in this case is the bank and the clients. The profit in this case is shared among the concerned parties in according to prior agreement whereas the loss is shared in accordance to the capital invested. On the other hand another financial instrument like Mudaraba is treated as a financial credit on a short termed basis. Here the capital is supplied by the bank and the investor. The profit in this case is shared among the concerned parties in accordance to the agreed ratio and the loss is bearded by the investor alone. Therefore it could be termed that the advantages and the disadvantages along with the limitations of the market are based on different aspect of the Islamic law but in an over all sense this system is working quite well and the turn over and the volume of the entire formulation seems to develop over time. Further more it can be enumerated that the success of the GCC market is not only based on the religious beliefs but it has its financial values too that enables the uses to enjoy certain notion of tax free up to a limit and it works fine under controlled environment of the finance sector. However, the parameters of Establishing Islamic Fund to issue Islamic Bonds for Infrastructure Projects lies in the feasibility section of the economic aspects that are juxtaposed with social and international image. Aim The focal point of this research proposal is Establishing Islamic Fund to issue Islamic Bonds for Infrastructure Projects. There have been numerous research papers that have discussed other impacts such as financial, social, political and economic impact of Infrastructure Projects. Methodology and literature review in this regard would be carried out in order to evaluate the strategies from different parameters and they will be compared with each other. The strategy evaluation will vary in size, audience and theme. To analyse the strategies and their success and failure realisation, questionnaires will be used to gather key primary data amongst participants. The questionnaire will be used to measure the perception of the participants and the residents of the communities in which these events are being held. Administrators, managers and customers will also be interviewed to determine the results and objectives that were achieved by the implementation of the strategy. Objective The objective of the paper would be specific yet wide spread. Out of the several related itineraries of the paper it would be specifically noted that stress is given towards identifying potential Infrastructure Projects by Islamic Funds analysis of their successes and failures of their strategy. Alongside it would also be formulated to identify Key Consultants within the establishments and their effects as a whole. Market trends and growth would be analyzed closely and evaluated accordingly to estimate the overall potential of the events. It would also be seen that proper emphasis is provided about the research entry barriers to English and international market and how to penetrate. Lastly, the compilations of database of market sector would be made along with proper notes that would identify head of events and its financial fall outs and provide the estimated details. In this context it would be relevant to mention that marketing is one of the most important aspects for a business to grow and from a managerial point of view it is the most involved factor in the aspect of business development. This is a market research and business development along with feasibility project where the research would be able to contribute based on the experience and learns from the process. The objective would be based on the opportunity of primary research on the market and obtain real world information through interfacing directly with the client organization and its customers. Background There are several aspects behind the motion of Establishing Islamic Fund to issue Islamic Bonds for Infrastructure Projects. This should be thoroughly dealt in this section. The insects of racial discrimination, the curse of civilization, are gradually eating up out society, dissolving harmony and affection, transforming human being in weapons of carnage. Thus the society no longer remains a better place to live in. Islamophobe is a contentious neologism distinct by some as a chauvinism in opposition to, or demonization of, Muslims. The expression is documented in use as early as 1976, but came into greater prevalence in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The expressionââ¬â¢s use has become greater than before since the September 11, 2001 attacks. It can be mentioned that this is an irrational paranoia that needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth in order to make life a bit peaceful. British authors and intellectuals like Kenan Malik have condemned the perception, calling it an allegory. According to Malik this concept bamboozles prejudice in opposition to Muslims with denigration of Islam, and is applied to silence detractors of the religion, as well as Muslims who intend to reform it. Novelist Salman Rushdie and many others signed a proclamation in March 2006, which deemed Islamophobe a desolate perception that perplexes disapproval of Islam as a religion and stigmatization of those who have faith in it. Danish politician Bashy Quraishy has mentioned that islamophobe and anti-Semitism are two faces of the same coin. In the yrar1996 the Runnymede Trust, an autonomous anti-racist think tank in the United Kingdoms, recognized the assignment on British Muslims and Islamophobe, headed by Professor Gordon Conway, the vice-chancellor of the University of Sussex. According to the report launched in November 1997 by the Home Secretary, Jack Straw, Islamophobe can be considered as a challenge for the society as a whole. It portrayed Islamophobe as concerning eight idiosyncratic characteristics such as Islam is considered as a monolithic bloc, static and insensitive to alterations. It is observed as separate and other. It does not have principles in familiar with other ethnicities, is not pretentious by them and even does not influence them. It is perceived as substandard to the West. It is observed as barbaric, unreasonable, primordial, and sexist. It is seen as brutal, violent, intimidating, encouraging of terrorism, and affianced in a clash of civilizations. It is observed as a political philosophy, designed for political or military benefit. Condemnations made of the West by Islam are discarded out of hand. Antagonism towards Islam is used to give explanation for prejudiced practices in the direction of Muslims and segregation of Muslims from conventional society. Anti-Muslim resentment is seen as usual and normal. In 1997 the British Runnymede Trust made it clear that Islamophobe as the observation that Islam has no ethics in common with other cultures, is substandard to the West, is an aggressive political ideology instead of being a religion, that its disparagement of the West have no essence, and that prejudiced practices against Muslims are justified as such. Despite the fact that Muslims do not comprise a race in isolation, the submission is that many Europeans and North Americans have an inaccurate discernment of Muslims as composing a separate a race, which in he words of Khyati Joshi is radicalization of religion. On the other hand, Muslims may be perplexed with Arabs, even though the mainstream of the worldââ¬â¢s Muslims are not Arabs. There are several causes behind Islamophobe the prime among them is to perplex disapproval of Islam as a religion and stigmatization of those who have faith in it. Sociologists have time and again argued that there was a swing in forms of chauvinism in the 1990s from race-based discrimination to inequity based on culture and religion. In 2004, Anja Rudiger, Executive director of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, made it clear in an Oxford conference on Muslims in Europe that, ever since the 9/11 attacks, religion had outshined race as the most important focal point of divergence, and that an individualââ¬â¢s religion was now looked upon as one and the same with their background. In the case of Muslims, this showed the way to another dimension of chauvinism, Rudiger argued, in that European Muslims were observed as signifying an amalgamated culture relatively different from European society, one that is strappingly correlated to certain non-European states. From Rudigerââ¬â¢s perspective, such observations are element of the course of action of classifying Islam as Europeââ¬â¢s other. Due to Islamophobe instead of engaging Muslims in debate, non-Muslims are hypothetical to sneak around them, for fear of causing felony. There are several alleged acts of Islamophobia, such as Dr Amanda Wise and Ghali Hassan from GlobalResearch. ca have assumed that the 2005 Cronulla insurrection were the consequence of an atmosphere of Islamophobe in Australia. Dalil Boubakeur, a director of a Paris mosque illustrated the wreckage on a Mosque, referred to the burning of a Muslim Sanctuaries, attacks on hijabi Muslim women all over the world as Islamophobic. Muslim activists alleged that the Forest Gate anti terror raid in London was Islamophobic. France, which has a strong secular institution separating church from State, was accused of Islamophobe when the decree on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools was approved, which prohibits the wearing of conspicuous religious symbols in public schools. In a February 10, 2004 accounted by Al Jazeera the head of the Party of Franceââ¬â¢s Muslims, Muhammad Latreche in analysing the French decree on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools was referenced as mentioning that the legislation would, institutionalise Islamophobe. In Germany, the state of Baden-Wurttemberg has anticipated set of laws that necessitate citizenship applicants from the member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to answer enquiries concerning their outlook on domestic aggression and other religious subjects. A BBC assessment taken in the summer of 2004 estimated that employment applicants with Muslim names were far less probable to be called for an interview than applicants whose names did not appear to be Muslim. There have been efforts in opposition to supposed Islamophobe by several organizations in various countries through out the globe. In 2006 the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) was set up as an observatory body on Islamophobe. This will keep an eye on and document activities professed as Islamophobic around the planet. Throughout the attainment talks on the subject of Turkeyââ¬â¢s probable entry to the EU, then Prime Minister of Holland, Jan Peter Balkenende, made it clear that Islamophobe must not have an effect on the possibility of Turkeyââ¬â¢s access to the European Union. 50,000 people signed an appeal urging French President Jacques Chirac to deem Islamophobe as a new form of racism, punishable by decree. In the UK several methods directed towards limiting Islamophobe have been set up. In Tower Hamlets, a heavily populated area in London, a misdemeanour reporting system called ââ¬Å"Islamophobeâ⬠has been set up which police expect will increase consciousness of Islamophobe and facilitate them to recognize the extent of the dilemma. The British National Union of Teachers (NUT) has issued guidelines to teachers and recommending them to Challenge Islamophobe, as they have a fundamental character to play in helping to dismiss myths about Muslim communities. In 2006 the Catholic Mission Austria and the Islamic Denomination Austria formed a platform called Christians and Muslims, which endeavours against stereotypes and antagonism and intends to augment lenience and admiration. In 1991 the Islamic Culture Foundation (FUNCI) prepared, in association with UNESCO and the Institut du Monde Arabe of Paris, a worldwide symposium concerning the involvement of Islamic Civilization in European Culture. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan issued a call in 1999 to world influential to fight Islamophobe. The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) and the Trades Union Congress (TUC) organized a colloquium on how to fight Islamophobe. History helps out us to identify ourselves, recognize who we are and be acquainted with the origin where we come from. We over and over again shrink back from hearing about our chronological times of yore for the reason that so much of it is excruciating. Islamophobe is a dejected perception that perplexes disapproval of Islam as a religion and stigmatization of those who have faith in it. Islamophobe, a myth or a kind of racism, obfuscates bias in opposition to Muslims with disparagement of Islam and that it is used to quieten detractors and Muslim reformers. But the best and fast method of assimilation into the world mainstream is economy and if the Islamic institutions are able to indulge itself in the main stream of the global economy then the possibility becomes quite high that these unwanted trends would end. Thus it is important for Establishing Islamic Fund to issue Islamic Bonds for Infrastructure Projects. But why Infrastructure Projects? The answer is simple. Once the finance runs into the parameters of infrastructure the entire influence becomes relevant to overall development as it is seen in the case of Dubai. According to a report from the Washington Times (2006), Dubaiââ¬â¢s economy grew at around 16 per cent in the year 2005. Dubai Department of Economic Development estimated that the economy is worth $ 37 billion. The growth rate of the emirate had beaten the growth rate of China which is 8. 5 per cent. Mohammed Ali Alabhar had stated in the Washington Times The dominating industry in the emirate is the Petroleum. The wealth gained from the industry is invested in capital improvements and social services in the whole seven emirates. Production of Petroleum is concentrated in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The Industrial Development is associated with the petroleum gains and is limited by the trained manpower that the country has and the raw materials. The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the UAE grew by 5. 7% in 2004 having a value of $ 63. 67 Billion. The oil industry had contributed 38 percent up from 34 percent in the year 2002. Other areas that Dubai is concentrated on are the tourism and its real estate properties. Mohammed Ali Alabbar, the director of the Department of Economic Development (DED), stated that the economy of Dubai will be sustained over the long term. He further noted that as compared to the $17 billion value in the year the 2000, the accumulated growth in the last decade is among the highest rate of growth in the world. Alabbar associated this economic growth to the diversification policy of the emirate. The establishment of transparent policies that had supported and encouraged private enterprises has given the economy further confidence. The government initiatives had also enabled a continuous inflow of foreign capital, it is expected that this inflow would be maintained. Since Dubai is located in between Africa and the Middle East and also between the Far East and Europe, it had created a gateway for the 1. 5 Million consumers in the countries surrounding the Red sea and the Gulf. Its infrastructure had become an important factor in the global transport and distribution system. The emirate has 170 shipping lines inside its emirates and more than 86 airlines offers links to over 100 cities worldwide. This shows a strong shipping and transporting sector in the emirate. The sector is mostly composed of leading regional and international freight forwarders, insurers and shipping agents. The emirate also boasts its rapidly developing high quality manufacturing sector and a prosperous domestic market. All its infrastructures and services can match with the international standards. Thus like Dubai the entire Islamic world can emerge from alleged fundamentalist mode with Establishment of Islamic Fund to issue Islamic Bonds for Infrastructure Projects.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Influence of the Harlem Renaissance on Society Essay
Influence of the Harlem Renaissance in Society A group of people who had at one point held no power and position in society were now thriving in the nation, as they spread their culture and ideas. It was the start of an era known as the Harlem Renaissance. This was a more than a literary movement, it was a cultural movement based on pride in the Africa-American life. They were demanded civil and political rights (Stewart). The Harlem Renaissance changed the way African Americans were viewed by society. It, ââ¬Å"changes the image of the African-American from rural, undereducated peasants to one of urban, cosmopolitan sophisticationâ⬠. This era expanded from the early 1920s to the mid 1930s (Wikipedia). It generated great pride in the peopleâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Thousands of white Americans came to Harlem to experience the night life. The nightclubs in New York appealed to the whites as they were very famous. Jazz music was thriving in the area. It originated in the Un ites States among African-American musicians. It was at this time that jazz was at its most famous point. Many people would host rent parties which were very popular at the time. Apartment owners would hold a party and would charge a fee to those who wanted to enter. They used this money in order to pay off their rent (Worth). The influence of jazz also brought musical reviews. Soon white novelists, dramatists and composers started to exploit the musical tendencies and themes of African Americans in their works. Composers used the literary works of African-American poets in their songs. Negros began to merge with Whites into the classical world of musical composition (Wikipedia). Soon, the works of artists were being displayed in nationwide magazines. Their culture began to spread with great velocity. The Harlem Renaissance also influenced a phenomenon known as Harlemania among both whites and blacks. It was the expression of style by the men and women of the era through their atti re and decorative details. People would be richly dressed and the homes were extravagant. They had expensive decorations from foreign nations (Worth). One person evenShow MoreRelatedEssay on Surrealism and Harlem Renaissance Two Historical Art Periods973 Words à |à 4 PagesRunning head: SURREALISM AND HARLEM RENAISSANCE Surrealism and Harlem Renaissance Two Historical Art Periods Elisa Montoya Western Governorââ¬â¢s University RIWT Task 1 May 13, 2013 SURREALISM AND HARLEM RENNAISANCE Comparing and Contrasting the Two Art Periods ââ¬Å"Surrealism and Harlem Renaissanceâ⬠2 While there are many different historical art periods I will bring together two that I found to be extremely interesting. There are so many wonderful facts about all the different art periodsRead MoreHarlem Renaissance Essay1341 Words à |à 6 Pagesduring the Renaissance was they had really short life there was no black people in it other than artists. Harlem Renaissance were first one to criticize black and white. They came to dominate Harlem Renaissance through creativity and culture. Madhubutiââ¬â¢s contention, Jeffery Stewart stated after major victories of the civil rights movement another intellectual and cultural rebellion called Black Power movement. Madhubutiââ¬â¢s, a black arts movement members relationship with Harlem Renaissance is one ofRead MoreEssay about The Harlem Renaissance1582 Words à |à 7 Pages1930ââ¬â¢s, the Harlem Renaissance was an important movement for African-Americans all across America. This movement allowed the black culture to be heard an d accepted by white citizens. The movement was expressed through art, music, and literature. These things were also the most known, and remembered things of the renaissance. Also this movement, because of some very strong, moving and inspiring people changed political views for African-Americans. Compared to before, The Harlem Renaissance had majorRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance with Langston Hughes1676 Words à |à 7 PagesHarlem Renaissance with Langston Hughes The Harlem Renaissance brought about uniqueness amongst African Americans; everything was new. The visual art, the jazz music, fashion and literature took a cultural spin. During this time writer Langston Hughes seemed to outshine the rest with amazing works. The Harlem Renaissance brought about many great changes. It was a time for expressing the African American culture. It is variously known as the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Literary RenaissanceRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance1317 Words à |à 6 PagesOver the course of time, many different movements have occurred. The most influential types have ranged from revolutionary movements to feminism. These movements have changed the course of society and kept a different outlook on new ideas. A very important idea that needed to be stressed was the freedom of African Americans. For so long they were slaves and treated extremely poorly. Eventually, they became free people. However, they were still not viewed as equal. It took many years to move evenRead MoreHarlem Renaissance Essay1048 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Harlem Renaissance was a significant historical movement that originated in Harlem, New York and helped establish the city as an African American cultural center. This period, which lasted from the 1910s to the mid 1930s, is considered a golden age for African American music, art, literature, and performance. As a resurgence of African American art and urbanization began to form, new artistic and social expression began to simultaneously develop in other urban areas as well. The Harlem RenaissanceRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance, A Social, Cultural, And Artistic Movement1298 Words à |à 6 Pages The Harlem Renaissance was a social, cultural, and artistic movement that started in Harlem, New York during the 1920ââ¬â¢s. Although it is generally considered to span from 1918 to the mid-1930, many of its ideas continue today. ââ¬Å"The Harlem Renaissance was a phase of a larger New Negro movement that had emerged in the early 20th century and in some ways ushered in the civil rights movement of the late 1940ââ¬â¢s and early 1950ââ¬â¢sâ⬠(Thomas, 2017). ââ¬Å"The social foundations of this movement included the GreatRead MoreAspects Of Langston Hugh es And The Harlem Renaissance755 Words à |à 4 Pagesit was a time of great discrimination, the Harlem Renaissance was a time of emergence for African Americans artists. Several writers such as Langston Hughes emerged during this period. African American writers who emerged during the Harlem Renaissance were heroes to lower-class blacks living in Harlem. Langston Hughes was a household name amongst the lower-class during the Harlem Renaissance. Hughesââ¬â¢s poetry was strongly influenced by the Harlem Renaissance because of his love for the black massesRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance1154 Words à |à 5 PagesIV AP 16 November 2015 The Harlem Renaissance The early 1900s was a time marked with tragedy in America. Started and ended with the Great Depression in between, it was not America s finest moment. Prohibition was in place, the Klu Klux Klan was still marching, and the Lost Generation was leaving for Paris. But despite the troubling times, people still found beauty and meaning in the world around them. They still created art and celebrated life. The Harlem Renaissance was an artistic and literaryRead MoreThe Negative Impacts of the Harlem Renaissance1169 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe idea of the Harlem Renaissance was born. The ideology behind the Harlem Renaissance was to create the image of the New Negro. The image of African-Americans changed from rural, uneducated peasants to urban, sophisticated, cosmopolites. Literature and poetry abounded. Jazz music and the clubs where it was performed at became social hotspots. Harlem was the epitome of the New Negro. However, things werent as sunny as they appeared. Many felt that the Harl em Renaissance itself wasnt so
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Disasters And Democracy By Rutherford H. Platt Essay
As stated above, The book I chose to do for the book report is called ââ¬Å"Disasters and Democracyâ⬠. It was written by Rutherford H. Platt in 1999. Rutherford Platt is an urban writer and lecturer from Massachusetts. He is also professor emeritus of geography at the University of Massachusetts, a faculty associate with the lincoln Institute of Land policy, and he is also a scholar with the Penn Institute of Urban Research. He also holds degrees from Yale, and University of Chicago. This book addresses the response to natural disasters, focusing on how the governments role changes, It traces the evolution of federal disaster assistance role and major programs, reviews constitutional law on the ââ¬Å"taking issueâ⬠as it applies to hazardous areas and gives a summary of ideas for policy recommendations, Also the book goes along with the class because it has to do with hazards and the federal planning that goes along with the disasters. Rutherford is trying to prove wheth er Public policy helps or causes more problems with natural disasters by federalizing the disasters. ââ¬Å"Disasters and Democracyâ⬠traces back throughout different case studies from different decades to analyze the effect of federalizing disasters. An example of a case study used is the Bay area and the disasters it went through in the 1900s. This book is intended to reach people who are interested in policy, and this is because first off this is what the book is mainly about, but Platt goes in through detail ways to move
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